
Is being ‘Mindful’ a Fad?

Remember when meditation was viewed with mild suspicion? Slightly ‘left of centre’? And for hippy types from the 60s? All that has changed.   Research now confirms what wisdom traditions have known all along: Meditation is good for your brain, body and emotional...

Osteoporosis – the Silent Disease

Did you know? After the age of 50 1 in 2 women and 1 in 5 men in NZ will suffer a fracture? These alarming statistics are due to the nature of osteoporotic bones that quite literally become brittle and fracture very easily sometimes following a seemingly minor...

Where do New Ideas Come From?

Your brain LOVES creativity! If you are already thinking It’s not for me! Now may be the time to reconsider. “Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try.” Dr. Seuss. Not only is creativity fun, medical...

Sitting is the new Smoking!

Sadly, 'sitting is the new smoking' may well be the case as emerging research alarmingly suggests that prolonged sitting can be as bad for our health as smoking. (See the poster sitting-facts) Here are 3 compelling reasons from Kris to take regular breaks: Your...

“I’m 67 & I want to keep on working.”

"I’m 67, still working full-time and need to continue working for at least the next three years. I’m concerned that, unless I write things down, I'll forget what I’ve promised to do."  Sound familiar? It certainly is to people who write to us at the Memory Foundation!...

Where Do Those Words Go?

Does this sound like you? What's happening to my memory? I reasonably often forget the names of people that I know perfectly well.  Or I can't think of the word that I want to use.  I'm 67. If so, you are not alone in experiencing these very annoying memory lapses!  ...

“I’ve Got a Bad Back!”

It’s a rare person who hasn’t uttered these words at some time or another. Our long-suffering lower back can get a bit grumpy when we’ve not treated it well. How does this pain happen?  Too much bending forward - as in gardening, Lifting or twisting awkwardly Spending...

How Do Memories Happen?

What actually happens in the brain? That's a question Associate Professor of Biological Sciences Donna Webb, along with her team of biologists at Vanderbilt University, asked herself. To find out, they studied the connections the brain makes at the molecular and...

Should Baby Boomers Be Worried? Why?

In 2016, the oldest of the baby boomers, the generation born between 1946 and 1964, turned 70 years old.  Until the financial crisis, there had never been a better time in history to be 70. Boomers as a generation are more wealthy, living more interesting lives and...

Stepping Up.

Do you live in a single level bungalow or apartment? There are many advantages if you do. But if you want to continue negotiating bus steps and stairs in public, you have nothing much to practise on!   Practise keeping strong for steps and stairs.   With...